Mehmet Tatlici Indicted for Influencing Judicial Officers and His Attorney Jeremy D. Friedman Investigated by Florida Bar

The Latest Twists in Tatlici Inheritance Saga


Mehmet Tatlici

ARAB NEWSWIRE) -- The never-ending saga of Tatlici's inheritance disputes continues developing with Mehmet Tatlici's recent indictment in a criminal case.


Previously in the saga, Turkey's Capital Markets Board permanently cancelled the expert's appraiser licence due to a delusive appraisal report he provided to the Turkish courts in a case concerning the late businessman Salih Tatlici's massive estate.


Now, Mehmet Tatlici is on the hot seat after being indicted in the case upon a criminal complaint for attempting and soliciting the court-appointed expert to present false reports and influencing a judicial officer.


Bias In Court-Appointed Expert's Report Gives Up Mehmet Tatlici



Ugur and Nurthen Tatlici's lawyers filed a criminal complaint with the Chief Public Prosecutor Office of Istanbul against Mehmet Tatlici upon discovering the bias in the expert report in favour of Mehmet Tatlici.


Victims' lawyers say they have smoking gun evidence showing the improper contact between the expert and Mehmet Tatlici. Cellular phone call records and base station signal reports are part of the evidence submitted to the Chief Prosecutor.


Phone call records show that the expert made numerous calls with Mehmet Tatlici for many days—night through the morning and on the very day he filed his expert report with the Turkish inheritance court.

Further evidence shows that the expert's cell phone received signals from a cellular base station near Mehmet Tatlici's office. This was only two days before he was appointed to be an expert by the court in the inheritance case.


It is currently unknown whether the court's appointment of him as an expert two days after was simple luck.


Lawyers say the Public Prosecutor also asked in his indictment that Mehmet Tatlici be deprived of exercising certain rights. This may include being prohibited from being an administrator or inspector of a company, conducting any profession or trade, or being appointed as a trustee.


Defence lawyers have not provided any response to the indictment yet.


All Started With The Expert's Indictment



One of the hundreds of lawsuits concerning the late Salih Tatlici's estate was brought by Ahmet, Mehmet, and Ali Tatlici, the children from the late businessman's first marriage, against Ugur and Nurthen Tatlici, the youngest son and the surviving wife. They argued that the late businessman's will was not good, and the elder sons were left with fewer shares.


During the litigation, the court requested an expert, Mehmet Tas, to appraise certain properties and assets left by the late Tatlici.


The report came with a shocking result for Ugur and Nurthen Tatlici. Hundreds of millions of dollars and up to 2200% disparity were appraised in favour of elder sons.


The expert's appraisal license granted by Turkey's Capital Markets Board was cancelled permanently. The expert is now facing 9 years in prison.


A challenging trial is on the corner for the expert Tas who was previously convicted of more than 10 offenses.


Trouble Continues On Mehmet Tatlici's Side With A New Investigation


Attorney Fatih Bilgitay's complaint was filed with the Florida Bar against Jeremy D. Friedman of Downs Law Group. Bilgitay says more is on the way, explaining that they are getting ready to file claims with different civil and criminal authorities in the United States and abroad.


Jeremy D. Friedman is alleged to be systematically misleading Florida and other state courts with false statements.


Attorney Bilgitay also recently sent a letter to the U.S. Federal law enforcement authorities to take action against the abuse of rights and blatant abuse of U.S. courts by Mehmet Tatlici and his Florida lawyer Jeremy D. Friedman.

In his letter, Attorney Bilgitay says Jeremy D. Friedman and Craig T. Downs are Florida attorneys with the Downs Law Group and have been retained by Mehmet Tatlici since 2009. Attorney Bilgitay filed a complaint with the Florida Bar Association against Jeremy D. Friedman because of his illegal practices since then, the letter explains.


In his recent court filing, Attorney Bilgitay also says the first red flag was Jeremy D. Friedman's filing fraudulent documents with the Palm Beach courts and pursuing of lawsuits and legal proceedings without informing Ugur Tatlici. Attorney Jeremy D. Friedman is further alleged to be fishing for information and documents by abusing and manipulating the Florida courts against Ugur Tatlici, without him being made aware.



Attorney Jeremy D. Friedman Alleged To Obtain Ugur Tatlici's Private And Personal Information Through Illegal Means

Attorney Jeremy D. Friedman's requests for information and records that attempt to discover Ugur Tatlici's sensitive personal information are also mentioned in the court filings. Attorney Bilgitay says in his filing that because his client, Ugur Tatlici, was never informed of these invasive requests, lawsuits, and proceedings due to the misleading of the courts by Jeremy D. Friedman, his client's right to defend himself was grossly violated.


Among the further allegations are that Jeremy D. Friedman violated the Florida Bar's conflict of interest rules when he himself personally brought a lawsuit against Ugur Tatlici and became a party and cast doubts about a conflict between his client, Mehmet Tatlici, and his own interests.


Florida Bar To Initiate Investigation Against Attorney Jeremy D. Friedman


The letter received from the Florida Bar says that Attorney Bilgitay's complaint against Jeremy D. Friedman is examined and determined that further investigation is warranted. The file is now assigned to the Florida Bar Counsel for investigation.


Ugur Tatlici's lawyers say the Florida Bar's decision on further investigation about Jeremy D. Friedman is a promising achievement on its own because the Bar does not usually put these complaints under its microscope when there is ongoing litigation between the parties.


Ugur Tatlici's lawyers further stated in their filings that Jeremy D. Friedman's shadow lawsuits against Ugur Tatlici, unlawful gathering of Ugur Tatlici's personal data without giving him notice and opportunity to object, and false representation as to the Ugur Tatlici's address to the Florida courts are grave professional misconducts.


No answer has been provided by Jeremy D. Friedman or Mehmet Tatlici against these allegations.



Criminal Complaint Against Mehmet Tatlici And Jeremy D. Friedman Lodged With The U.S. Federal Authorities


"Mehmet Tatlici's lawyers, Jeremy D. Friedman and Craig T. Downs, and the law firm they are with, the Downs Law Group, have been involved in aggravated fraudulent activity at the interstate and international level and helped their client, Mehmet Tatlici, to fabricate a legal foundation and documents to uphold 740 million dollars of judgment, which was entered in Ugur Tatlici's absence," Attorney Bilgitay wrote to in his complaint.


There is overwhelming evidence proving that Mehmet Tatlici and his lawyers have engaged in numerous unlawful conducts and committed multinational fraud in Florida, Romania, and Turkey to obtain a 740 million dollars default judgment against Ugur Tatlici in Florida, according to the details provided in the letter.


In the trial of the 740 million dollar judgment, Mehmet Tatlici alleged developing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of a real estate project in Turkey.


Attorney Fatih Bilgitay's complaint letter says they have strong evidence and official reports showing that Mehmet Tatlici's project is entirely fictitious and is, in fact, a multinational fraudulent activity with different criminal acts committed in Florida, the United States, Romania, and Turkey.


The complaint also explains the intricacies of the alleged international fraud scheme between Mehmet Tatlici and his allies, including Serap Durmus, with whom Mehmet Tatlici has reportedly been working for more than 20 years, had become the sole shareholder of Tatlici Gayrimenkul — the company allegedly entering a contract with the Romanian company for the development of the purported project.


Allegations Of Fabricated Correspondence Letters And Investment Agreement


Mehmet Tatlici is told to have presented 3 different fabricated correspondence letters dated 2014 as evidence to the Florida courts, referring to three website names to prove his purported

damages arising from the termination of the alleged Investment Agreement executed between Monolit Construct Division SRL, a Romanian company, and Tatlici Gayrimenkul, his Turkish company.


Although Mehmet Tatlici alleged that this real estate deal did not go through because of the alleged websites with defamatory news, expert findings mentioned in Attorney Bilgitay's letter are offered to prove that two of these three websites did not even exist in 2014, when the alleged correspondence letters were penned, and therefore never published any content.


"The realisation of the alleged real estate project in Istanbul, Turkey is legally and technically impossible within the framework of the existing development and zoning plans in Istanbul, Turkey," another expert report says.


Drawing attention to the expert reports evidencing the fabrication and fraud scheme, the letter further provides that Mehmet Tatlici and Jeremy D. Friedman introduced these alleged websites as the cause of the termination of the alleged Investment Agreement to Florida courts.


"We, therefore, offer compelling evidence that the alleged Investment Agreement was fabricated, naturally with the intention not to be performed," Fatih Bilgitay concluded in his letter based on the expert findings.


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Mustafa Yilmaz

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